Hi-ya, we’re Horosoaps 👋

Our story starts, as all great stories do: over a bottle (or 3) of wine. Founders Rebecca and Ian were waxing lyrical about how people’s star signs are weirdly accurate when it comes to individual traits and flaws. The idea that the universe is sliced 12 ways to determine 12 cosmic personalities is slightly ridic. BUT also a v interesting branding concept: what if there was a product that embraced and soothed people’s astrological flaws?

Soap is where they landed. The Merlot-enthused mathematics of which went something like this—

Horoscopes + soap = HOROSOAPS

And so, the hangovers passed but the idea didn’t. They spent £££’s on soap and began research and testing from the comfort of their own bathroom. They talked colours, sizes, scents and lather-potential at length. Vegan-friendly, cold-pressed, natural ingredients, sustainable production, recyclable packaging and all the eco creds in between was ofc, a given.

Next, came the crucial process of matching the right ingredients to the diff personality flaws of each star sign. Three trial batches and a shit-ton of perfecting later, the 12 OG soapy bars were born.

Since launching in September 2022, the Horosoaps fam has grown. ENTER bebe bars; AKA, the OG bars you know and <3, in mini. 

Finally, a soap that knows you .